Retrieving messages

Learn how to retrieve messages of your connected accounts.

Feature available for : LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, Telegram

Get message history of a chat

To get existing messages in a chat, use the GETchats/{chat_id}/messages Method or the appropriate SDK Method with a valid chat_id.

Most recent messages will be returned first, ordered by date.

By default, the limit of returned messages is set to 100.

curl --request GET \
     --url https://{YOUR_DSN}/api/v1/chats/{CHAT_ID}/messages \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: {YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'
const response = await client.messaging.getAllMessagesFromChat({
  chat_id: "e9d087d67",

This method use pagination.

Get new messages

Unipile's API give you two options to receive messages in your application

In realtime with Webhooks

The recommended approach to listen for new messages in your application is by using a Webhook because they trigger in real time. Whenever the user account receives or sends a new message, the Webhook will call your specified URL with the given message that you can store to be displayed.

-> More informations on new messages webhooks

With a cron job

If your system cannot handle Webhooks, or if you don't need real time, you can create a cron job calling GET /messages Method at interval.

We advise fetching a larger period than your cron delay to account for any potential disconnects or errors that may result in losing outdated messages. In this case, implementing a unique ID verification on your history entry based on the message ID can help prevent duplicate entries.

Handle new chats

If you receive a message from someone you don't have a chat history with, a new chat is created and you should retrieve it manually as it's not sent by the webhook. Use the chat_id of the message with the GETchats/{id} Method to do so.